Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance Read online

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  She’d got into him again, she’d brought memories of their time together flooding back to the surface of his mind, and the more he tried to push them away, the stronger they came back at him.

  Needing her made Dante feel weak, and there was absolutely no way he’d let his guard down and show Sash he felt that way. It was why he’d let a week slip past already without contacting her. It was too long a time based on the way he felt, but not long enough to make a decision either way. It was why he’d buried himself in work, why he was getting drunk more and more often, and why now, as he headed to one of his clubs, he wasn’t doing it alone.

  She’d be mad at him for leaving in the first place. Enraged he hadn’t returned her calls. He’d have to figure something out. She’d forgive him, whatever he did, as long as he went back to her. He knew that. He knew where she was after all, there was only one place she had left to turn, and it was exactly the place where Dante had wanted her to go. It had started there, so if it was going to continue at all, it seemed fitting that at least once, it should be there. Dante was impressed by how he was able to control her, but what he wasn’t impressed with, was how little he was able to control his own feelings.

  Chapter 11

  Sash watches Abbey snoop around Dante’s room, as though looking for clues to a murder mystery.

  “Dante’s bedroom. I thought I’d never make it in here.”

  “Knock yourself out.”

  Sash is sat up on the bed, her knees pulled protectively up to her chest. She looks worn out, like she’s spent the whole week crying.

  “You know everyone was in love with your brother.”

  “He’s an asshole. And he’s my stepbrother anyway.”

  “Yeah but he’s hot.”

  Abbey opens a drawer and finds the picture of Dante that Sash has purposely hidden. “And he’s loaded.”

  “So what?”

  “So, duh, he’s totally Mr eligible bachelor 2015. Look.”

  She holds up the photo for Sash to see, as though she hasn’t spent hours and hours pouring over it already. “You’ve got to admit he’s cute.”

  “You have a boyfriend already.”

  Sash stands up to grab the photo from Abbey’s clutches and hide it away again in the back of the drawer. “And I didn’t bring you over here to perv over my stepbrother.”

  She gets behind Abbey and pushes her to the bed.

  “Seriously, Sash, you don’t know how long I spent idolizing your brother.”

  “Stepbrother. And I do, remember, you told me about it every day for about two years.”

  Abbey flops onto the bed and Sash sits alongside her.

  “He never looked at me. He was always too interested in other girls. I was never popular enough.”

  “You’re not missing out on much.”

  “No, of course not. Only private jets, penthouse suites, fantastic abs, perfect ass, that smile, those arms-.”

  She counts them out on her fingers.

  “It isn’t everything.”

  “Duh, Sash, what else is there?”



  Abbey laughs. “It’s overrated.”

  “Why are you with Shaun then?”

  “Because Shaun’s got a big dick, baby, and he knows how to use it.”

  Sash laughs. It’s the first time for a week she’s felt able to do that. Abbey twists on the bed so the two girls are facing each other.

  At one point growing up, Sash and Abbey were inseparable. Born only a few months apart, they played together as little girls, moving through elementary and high school together as best friends, eventually separating out into different social circles when they were old enough to realize their interests were taking them on vastly different paths. While Sash moved into the city, desperate to grow up and find a life of her own, Abbey decided to stay put.

  Although they spent less time together through college, they still maintained contact, treating each other like sisters, each with their own separate lives. If there was anyone she felt she was close enough to, to confess how she felt about Dante, Abbey would be the girl. The fact that they’d known each other so long and she still hadn’t done it, went some way to explaining just how important a secret it was to keep.

  “So who is he?”

  “Just some douchebag.”

  “They’re all just some douchebag. This one really hurt you though, huh?”

  Sash can feel herself welling up again. “It’s not just that. It’s this, all of this, having to be back here again.”

  “Oh, fuck that. At least you get your washing done for you and your meals cooked.”

  “Tracy has the unique ability to suck flavor out of anything she prepares, and she won’t let me into the kitchen to help her.”

  “What I mean is it could be worse.”

  “I have no money, Abbey. Zero, zilch, zip, nada de nada.”

  “That’s why I’m here”, Abbey says proudly, with a smile that beams across her face. “I’m going to take you out.”

  “No, Abbey.”

  Sash shakes her head. “That’s not a good idea.”

  Abbey wriggles herself closer to Sash. “I know you didn’t call me up to sit here and

  be miserable all night.”

  “That’s exactly what I called you here for. To look after me in my time of need. To stop me from going crazy.”

  “When was the last time you went out?”

  “I went running today.”

  “That’s not what I meant. Out out. Drunk, dancing, flirting with boys out.”

  “I don’t feel like it.”

  “Yes you do.”

  Abbey takes her by the hand. “It’s exactly what you need, and tonight is on me.”

  She guides her to the full length mirror, standing behind so Sash can see herself.

  “Don’t let yourself get down, Sash. See how beautiful you are?”

  Sash looks at herself briefly, before looking away again.

  “I don’t feel it.”

  “That’s part of the problem. You need to get your confidence back, and do you know what the best way is to do that?”

  “Going out?”

  “Duh, attentions”, Abbey says, pluralizing the word. Sash doesn’t know whether it’s for effect or because she just doesn’t know that it can’t be.

  “You want to feel good about yourself, you need to let people tell you. Agreed?”

  “No”, Sash says. She’s turning now, looking at herself again, her eyes going to her chest and down towards her belly. In a week she’s done nothing about it. If she is pregnant, the baby will already be growing.

  “Wrong answer.”

  “I don’t want to drink.”

  Abbey smiles. She can already tell she’s changing her mind. “Then I’ll do the drinking and you do the dancing.”

  Sash doesn’t answer, she’s too busy admiring herself, her hands back over her belly, smoothing the skin above the line of her trousers.

  “You’re not fat. Don’t even begin to think you are.”

  Sash pulls herself back to reality. “Ok.”

  “Ok, what?”

  “Ok to going out.”

  “It wasn’t up for discussion anyway”, Abbey points out, already on the way to the wardrobe, keen to find something sexy for Sash to wear.

  “Whoever he is”, Abbey says, rifling through Sash’s clothes. “He’s made a very big mistake.”

  Chapter 12

  On the drive into town, Abbey drops the hood and pumps the music up as loud as it will go. Sash watches her squirming along to the high tempo beats, dancing away in her seat without shame, and she can’t help but be pulled along by it. Fuck it. Forget about Dante. Forget about that useless, lying, good for nothing, asshole.

  She made a mistake going back to him, but it’s over now. She’s got to move on. She’s got to think about her own life. She’s back to square one, but everything else is up from here on in, and it’s people like Abbey who are
going to help her get there. Abbey smiles as she watches Sash loosen up and get her groove on. Together they sing along to the chorus, the words both catchy, and laughably ironic.

  My love has got no money, he’s got his strong beliefs.

  My love has got no power, he’s got his strong beliefs.

  Up ahead, the lights are about to turn red. As though they’ve thought exactly the same thing at exactly the same moment, the two girls look at each other briefly to confirm it. With a mischievous glint of solidarity in her eye, Abbey slams her high heel down on the accelerator purposefully. The engine revs and the car picks up speed.

  “We’re not going to make it.”

  “We’re going to make it.”

  Up ahead, cars are already slowing.

  “Slow down, Abbey, we’re not going to make it.”

  Abbey presses as hard as she can on the accelerator.

  “Come on”, she says, willing it to go faster.


  Several meters before they get to the junction, the lights turn red. It’s too late to stop. Flashing past a line of parked cars, they rocket through the intersection just in front of the approaching traffic. Sash grips the door tightly, a burst of adrenaline running through her, as Abbey twists the wheel and spins the car violently to the left. The tires screech wildly below them, clinging desperately to the road, while stunned drivers angrily beep horns in their wake. As Sash catches her breath, Abbey can’t stop laughing.

  “Fuck, that was close.”

  “What the fuck, Abbey?” Sash complains, before she too finds she can’t stop laughing.

  “I told you we’d have fun, and this is just the start. You wait until we get to the bars and clubs.”

  Sash turns in her seat to look behind her. In the distance, too far to see more clearly than in silhouette, her stepbrother’s office tower dominates the skyline.

  In a mirrored private booth at the other end of the city, a semi-naked dancer swings around a table top pole, gyrating sensually to the downbeat music only a meter away from where they are sat. She’s got long hair that falls around her shoulders as she moves, dark, glittered skin and firm, surgically enhanced tits. The way she moves is making Katy horny.

  “Is this where you bring all the girls you pick up?”

  Her eyes rove carefully over the dancer’s contoured body, feeling her own not quite adequate enough in comparison. At times, when the girl leans out or stretches an arm or a leg, she’s that close, that if she wanted to, she could reach out and touch her. Dante could too, but Dante always can if he wants to.

  In the bar, she wasn’t sure what to expect. She knew he had money, that was why she went over in the first place - the expensive suit, the chunky gold watch, he hardly attempted to hide it - but she didn’t know who he was, or that they’d end up here.

  For Katy, a girl who considers gold-digging to be a career choice, and the conquering of a billionaire the pinnacle of that ambition, this feels like an interview for the top paying position in the city, she wouldn’t forgive herself for fucking up.

  Dante takes a sip of his drink, the ice cold champagne tingling pleasurably as it creeps down to his belly. Unfortunately for Katy, he can already feel himself getting bored of her.

  “I don’t remember picking you up. I thought it was the other way round”

  “Hey. I told you all I wanted was conversation. The rest was up to you. You invited me here, after all. We could have had the conversation in the bar across town.”

  Dante regards her carefully. His look is intense, almost debilitating. Katy can’t help but feel herself weakening, as though the longer she looks the harder it is to resist him.

  “It helps me think.”

  He doesn’t need to specify, for Katy to know what he is referring to.

  “What does it help you think about?”

  “Getting what I want”, Dante says firmly, as though that should have been obvious.

  “That doesn’t look like something you have trouble with.”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  The dancer lowers herself to gyrate the stage, her legs open now, inviting. Dante’s cock stirs as he watches.

  “You like dancers?”

  Katy eyes go to where he looks.

  Dante doesn’t take his eyes off the dancing girl’s crotch, mesmerized by how the thin fabric of her near see-through panties clings to what he knows is a perfectly shaved pussy. He can’t help but think of Sash, how she danced for him so perfectly, how this girl is a poor imitation even of that memory and how Katy, who’s doing a terrible job of hiding how much she wants to fuck him, will pale so much in comparison if he ever lets her get the chance. Every single girl has, of course, but Dante always knew they would. Sash was one of a kind. She was absolutely irreplaceable.

  “I like risk.”

  Dante’s eyes sparkle like rough cut diamonds. “The higher the risk, the greater the reward.”

  He reaches for the bottle, filling up his own glass before he fills up Katy’s. The dancer has finished her set. Without looking at either of them, she disappears off stage, only to be replaced quickly by another girl. Dante watches her curiously for a while. She has a vacant look that suggests a long time in the industry, and a young face that indicates the opposite.

  “I like dancers. I like the way they move. It’s sexy and confident.”

  This one regards her from her elevated position. She runs her hands over her small tits, taking her nipples briefly between her fingers. She gives the impression that somehow they are permanently erect. Dante watches the two girls regard each other.

  After a moment, he turns his attention to Katy.

  “So let’s talk. I’m listening.”

  Katy’s face softens. He knows that look. He’s seen it a million times from a million different woman. It’s a look of confidence that says, “See, I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me. I knew you’d give in eventually.”

  Dante can feel his cock harden at the thought of it.

  There is a gap between them and Katy closes it. As she folds herself into him, sliding her hand carefully over his thigh towards the swelling bulge in his trousers, Dante stops her. She looks up to him, confused.

  “Not like that”, he says, nodding towards the stage. “I want to see you dance.”

  Chapter 13

  Empty shot glasses litter the faux modern, plastic table. Abbey and Sash are wedged into the booth, surrounded on both sides by a double helping of hot men keen to impress them.

  There is nowhere you can go in this city as a woman, without a man attempting to latch himself onto you, whether with noble intentions or not. These four men, fresh from the University rowing team, certainly fall into the latter category. Sash is drunk despite her intentions not to touch alcohol, and Abbey’s not far behind her. The men watch the women like lions waiting for the right moment to bring down a gazelle. Glances are exchanged between them, that speak of a special code of shared experience and thorough, licentious knowledge. This isn’t the first time they’ve done this, and it won’t be the last.

  Abbey stands up.

  “I have never-.”

  She pauses briefly to create anticipation. “-Had anal sex.”

  “You liar!” Sash calls out.

  “Cross my heart.”

  Abbey draws an X across her chest. “I’m a nun, I swear to God.”

  “Jeez”, Lanton says with a smirk. “I thought everybody did that in freshman year.”

  “Giving or receiving?” Abbey jokes.

  “Yeah, whatever. Just tell me when you’re ready.”

  He stands up and drinks. Cole joins him, and then Parker too. All eyes go to Sash.


  With a giggle she stands up and downs her drink.

  “You slut!” Abbey says, her face dropping in disbelief.

  Lanton and Parker look impressed.

  “She’s a dark horse, this one”, Cole says.

  “I like anal sex. What do you want
me to say?”


  Abbey shakes her head.

  “Fill me up, fill me up.”

  Sash shakes her glass.

  Jake does the honors, pouring another round for anybody who’s glass is empty.

  “Ok, who’s turn is it?”

  “I got one”, Cole says, standing up. “I’ve never had an orgy.”

  The two girls look at each other and laugh.

  “I’m serious”, he says, repeating it slowly. “I’ve never had an orgy.”

  “What is that man?”, Jake says. “Like two girls, four guys? What do you reckon Parker?”

  “I reckon that sounds like an orgy to me”, Parker says. “Two girls, four guys. Of course, with two girls and four guys, that could just be two lots of two threesomes.”

  “Shut up”, Abbey says, catching on. She pushes him on the shoulder, barely able to budge him an inch.

  “No one’s had an orgy?”

  Cole looks round at the group. “Well then, always a first time for everything.

  “Asshole”, Abbey says with a smile, as she watches him down his drink.

  “You just tell me when”, Cole says again when he’s seated, one hand on Sash’s leg to balance himself. When she notices him try and work it slowly under her skirt and further up her thigh, all she does is pull it out and place it back on his own lap, satisfied for now he doesn’t need any further indication, that at the moment at least, she’s more interested in the game.

  “Next!” Sash says, excitedly.

  “Ok, I got one.”

  Parker stands up. He pauses a while to look at the group, as though readying himself to say it. “I’ve never had a baby”, he says eventually.

  Sash feels her stomach turn over.

  “What?” Abbey says, as though she’s misheard him.

  “You dick”, Lanton says.


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