Boned2 (Mandarin Connection Book 5) Read online

Page 4

  “I’m sorry about Quint,” I said.

  “Will that be all, mum?” she asked me.

  She was very stilted and rigid.

  I think she meant her apology.

  I don’t know if she still hated my guts, but I’d put money on that being the case.

  “You are dismissed,” I said.

  She began to walk away, then turned and walked back and stood close to me.

  She frowned, considering her next words carefully.

  “I just want you to know, that when I kicked and fought Dean and the Captain…” she said, hesitatingly.

  “Yes?” I asked, expecting some bullshit apology.

  “Two years, three months and four days ago, I was raped by three men,” she said.

  I stood there, speechless.

  “My boyfriend, well, fiancé, couldn’t take it. He left me,” she said.

  “I swore it wouldn’t happen to me again, Rachel, I mean, Miss Bloomberg,” Sylvia corrected herself.

  “It’s all right, you can call me…” I whispered.

  “I took some self-defense classes. Krav Maga and Judo, for almost a year,” she explained.

  “I’m told I am pretty good at it,” she smiled.

  “When I was grabbed, it just kicked in, automatically,” she said.

  “I didn’t even realize it until it was over. I am so embarrassed and ashamed, as I explained to the Captain,” said Sylvia.

  She didn’t seem ashamed to me at all.

  She seemed proud of it.

  I didn’t doubt she was good.

  But, my instincts told me there was more to her story than she was letting on.

  “Good day, mum,” she said, and went back to her duties.

  I walked away from her, more than a bit upset, because I knew she’d cut across the ship just to confront me.

  She’d gone out of her way to let me know that Karl had punished her.


  For the rest of the trip, she and I avoided each other like the plague, and the few times I saw Quint, he was indifferent to me.


  I ran for my cabin, the sheer emotional weight of everything collapsing on me taking its toll!

  I threw open the door, and had a shocking surprise slap me in the face!


  I had walked in on Dean and Tanya - and Julie.

  In my haste to get away from Sylvia, I neglected to pay attention to just whose cabin I was entering, and it was Dean’s.

  He had a room across from mine.

  Tanya was on all fours, her shorts around her ankles, and her t-shirt crumpled up around her neck.

  Her tight, pink pussy was spread wide for anyone standing in the door to see.

  Dean’s long tongue pinioned her dark, firm and round ass cheeks.

  Tanya’s full lips sucked on his rather nice cock.

  It filled her mouth quite full.

  Her eyes were half-closed in ecstasy, as she gobbled his nice, full cock, and she made small mewls of pleasure.

  And, there was Julie, sucking on Dean’s swollen ball sack.

  One of his balls bounced around inside her mouth , and she chewed and moaned and made her own sounds of pleasure while she pushed a large dildo in and out of her dripping pussy.

  Dean was still mostly in his work uniform, and his cap lay on the floor, next to the bed.

  They were all supposed to be on duty! I thought irrationally.

  Tanya was eagerly licking and sucking on Dean’s meat, and he repaid her efforts with vigor and passion.

  Each lick or suck from her was matched with a pointy tongue-thrust into her pinkish-brown anus.

  Julie was lying on her back, Dean’s balls slurping between her lips.

  In and out, in and out, with each cycle slathering more of her saliva across his scrotum.

  Tanya’s gaping pussy looked like a hibiscus flower, dripping honey, whenever Dean managed to come up for air.

  He was intensely focused on sucking on her ass, but would drop down and lick her clit occasionally.

  Her tits were pendulous, and undulated and bounced between them, almost scraping his belly.

  Dean occasionally twisted a nipple, or pulled down so that Tanya’s tit would elongate and rub against him.

  His shirt was unbuttoned, and opened across him like a blanket.

  Tanya also licked Julie’s mouth, and sucked on Dean’s balls, every so often.

  They were all so transfixed by their mutual passion, and hadn’t heard me enter.

  Why had they left the door stupidly unlocked?

  I was trying to leave unobserved, as they were all focusing on their respective tasks at hand, when Tanya came.

  She howled, and buried her face in Dean’s groin, trying to suppress the noise by cramming all his cock into her eager, hungry mouth.

  She squirted a huge gout of cum all over Dean’s face, just as Quint rubbed against me.

  “Yow!” I yelled, startled.

  Julie spat out Dean’s balls, and sat up, her taut pink nubs pointing straight at me.

  She blushed, and then stood up to leave the room.

  She was totally naked, the only one who had doffed all her clothing.

  Her bikini bottoms were on the floor, and her top hung from one of the dresser knobs.

  Tanya almost choked on Dean’s erection, whipping her head around to face me.

  Her look of ecstasy transformed into confusion, embarrassment and then anger in the space of four seconds.

  “What the fuck!” she said, spitting out the tip of Dean’s rock-hard penis.

  It was slick with her saliva and his pre-cum.

  I had the almost uncontrollable urge to go over and suck it clean.

  Unfortunately, Julie couldn’t get past me to escape the awkward scene.

  She stood there, like a deer caught in the headlights of an approaching car.

  She was exquisitely delicate, and her labia peeked out from beneath her, her clit erect and pink on top.

  Wispy blond hair covered her, wet with her juices from the dildo working its magic.

  She tried to excuse herself, and I was paralyzed by the sight of her.

  I wanted to go in and just join in the fun, to suck those pink nubs, to nuzzle Tanya’s dark brown ass, my tongue next to Dean’s, working it into and out of her asshole, drinking her cum.

  I was on the razor’s edge of acquiescence, my conscious mind suddenly aware of the huge rush of warmth spreading through my thighs and belly.

  I was fecund, ripe and wanting so, so much for the touch of another person, the feel of them in me.

  The intimacy of their warm bodies, melting against mine.

  I was about to move towards them, but then a wave of hilarity hit me.

  The absurdity of the situation, the stress of my grief for Bone, the uncertainty of the situation with Sylvia – all of it culminated in a release of small hiccups of laughter.

  But it was the sight of Dean, his lips and cheeks covered with Tanya’s juice, his eyes wide, trying to figure out what was interrupting their illicit sexy time, that made me finally lose it!

  “Oh, shit! I mean…” he said.

  That was it!

  I brayed like a donkey, and fell out of the room, bounding down the hallway, running topside, and hopefully far, far away from the lovers.

  On deck, under the clear skies, with seagulls flying by, the sails full and the “Miss T” making good time through emerald seas, I was grabbing at my sides, they hurt so much!

  “Fuck me! Fuck me!” the gulls appeared to say, wheeling overhead like white slashes against the marble-blue sky.

  I laughed even more, remembering the dead gulls on my doorstep, that Quint had presented to me, without my knowledge.

  It wasn’t really funny.

  Not at all.

  It was just all the tension that I’d been keeping inside for the past few months came pouring out.

  After a few more moments, I ended up cryi
ng, my face buried in my hands, sobbing as I finally let my memory of Bone go.

  A few minutes later, Julie came over to me with some Oolong tea, and honey and lemon.

  “All that bright sun isn’t good for your fair skin, Rachel,” she said, soothingly.

  “Let’s drink some tea, and then have a lie down? Ok?” she asked.

  I nodded, and wiped my tears with one of the white linen napkins.

  Julie really was a great crew member.

  We sipped the tea, and Tanya came walking by, head down.

  I couldn’t tell if she were angry at me, or embarrassed, but I guess she was pretty frustrated.

  I heard Karl yelling at Dean, but it changed into some chuckles, and Karl walked over to us.

  “Dean wants to apologize for…something. I don’t know too much about the details. I think maybe you ended up somewhere…sensitive on the ship?” he said.

  The bastard knew exactly what had happened, but was trying to play the diplomat, and allow everyone to save face.

  Julie sipped her tea, watching the ocean go by.

  She made a small guffaw, and then stood up.

  Her perky nipples were still poking out at me, barely contained within the sheer fabric of her bikini top.

  “Allow me, Rachel, um… Miss Bloomberg,” she said, picking up and gathering together the pieces of the tea service.

  “I do hope you enjoyed your afternoon High Tea, and will join me in your cabin for a massage?” she asked.

  I looked at her, and she winked at me.

  Karl did not seem to notice.

  He pretended to be examining the sky.

  “Looks like rain, tonight or tomorrow,” he said, sternly.

  Then he added, with a grin, “It’ll be very wet, somewhere, soon, I reckon!”

  Laughing, he stood aside to allow me to get up.

  His waist was at my eye level, and I could sense his bulge, beneath his slacks.

  “Of… of course, Julie. And, thank you so very much for the tea,” I replied, trying to hide my excitement.

  My pussy was dripping, so much so that, when I stood up, the seat cushions were soaked.

  As I scampered off after Julie, my heart felt lighter.

  I was going to get laid!

  Maybe not the way I expected, but what the hell, right?

  You only live once!

  I saw Karl, out of the corner of my eye.

  He picked up the seat cushion, and gave it a good sniff.

  Then, he set it back down, smiling.

  He winked at me, and I blushed.

  I threw him a quick kiss, blowing it free of my palm.

  Laughing, he went back to navigating, or walking the poop deck, or whatever horny Captains do on their ships.


  I trotted after Julie, watching her pert, young bottom moving hypnotically beneath her bikini bottoms.

  She carried the tray into the galley.

  She set it down.

  Then she turned to me and kissed me, full, on the mouth.

  Her wet tongue slid between my lips, her breath hot and sweet, and tasting faintly of spice and lemon - and something else.

  “Let me help you forget, Rachel. Let me help you heal,” she said.

  Julie slid a finger beneath me, rubbing my soaked panties.

  She brought the finger to her mouth, licking it.

  “Mmmm. You taste so sweet,” she murmured into my ear.

  “Now,” I managed to croak out.

  My voice was almost gone.

  I was totally enraptured by her scent and taste, and the feel of her finger, massaging my diamond-tipped clit.

  “Julie, make me cum now!” I begged her.

  She slid her hand into my bottom, rubbing the raw skin, pushing my lips apart, and stroking the fine down over my vulva.

  She moved expertly, and I had soon soaked her to the wrist.

  She moaned gently in my ear, and I kissed her.

  She sucked on the tip of my tongue, gently at first, but then harder and with more pressure as she sped up moving her fingers in and out of my pussy.

  My dripping pussy made her forearm slick, and then I was coming, moaning deep into her throat, my vaginal muscles clenching around her fist.

  She opened and closed her hand, pushed deep into me, as spasm after spasm racked my body.

  Her tiny nubs pierced my own breasts, sharp little points of pressure against my flesh.

  Soon, I came again, and then again.

  I slid up and down against her, capturing her tongue in my mouth, breathing her breath into my lungs, and screaming soundlessly as the ecstatic raptures took hold of me again and again.

  Finally, I was spent, and soundlessly disengaged from her.

  “To your cabin, Rachel darling?” she asked.

  “No, no. Not right now, I can’t…I’m not ready,” I groaned at her.

  “You don’t have to do anything, just lie down. I’ll just give you a massage, is all,” she crooned.

  “No, you don’t understand,” I pleaded with her.

  “I want to go down on you, I need to,” I tried to explain.

  “But, right this second, I can’t, I just can’t,” I said.

  “It wouldn’t be… fair…and I want to make love to you, to fuck you, like you deserve, but I just can’t, right now,” I said, failing miserably to let her know just what I was feeling.

  My head was reeling, it felt as though a hydrogen bomb had exploded in my nether region, and the scent of her wet pussy was driving me insane.

  But, I was completely wrung out by all the experiences of the past couple of hours.

  I kissed her, gently, one more time, and pinched one succulent nipple.

  “Soon! Tonight, for sure, Julie, my darling, my love!” I stammered.

  Then, I staggered out of the galley, trying to finally get to my room.



  I was trying to get the sight of Dean and Tanya and Julie out of my mind, still woozy from Julie’s finger-fucking my pussy, when I went back down into my berth below deck.

  This time, I made sure to pay attention, and fumbled open the lock to my room.

  I didn’t hear a sound from any of the other staterooms, or cabins.

  I guess the others were on duty, and probably Karl and Olga must have been napping, or discretely fucking, in one of the smaller staterooms.

  I was trying to see where Quint had gotten to…stupid cat.

  Poor Julie!

  I didn’t mean to leave her frustrated like that!

  I wanted to suck on her breasts, knead her ass, and tongue her mouth and pussy until the end of time!

  But, I just couldn’t because I was an emotional wreck.

  I had never really entertained the idea of having sex with another woman.

  I mean, yes, there had been a time or two when the opportunity arose, but I didn’t go through with it for various reasons.

  Tanya and Julie’s furtive mouthing and tonguing of Dean’s balls had lit the fuse, apparently.

  I wanted to masturbate, and even went so far as to dig up Karl and Stephan, but then I simply collapsed.

  I passed out, my pussy still throbbing from Julia’s hand.

  The feel of her tiny fist stuffed up almost into my womb was the last thing I remember before the darkness claimed me.


  I dreamed.

  In the dream, Julie took her sopping wet hand from inside my soaked, pulsing cunt, and then gently, ever so gently, put it in my mouth.

  I opened wider and wider, until her whole arm was down my throat, and then it was coming out of my asshole.

  She moved her arm in and out, each time my mouth accommodating its width, and my throat and stomach opening to take its length.

  With each stoke, my arms and legs spread like I were swimming on my back.

  Then, I was dreaming that it was Sylvia, not Julie, and that her hand was Quint’s furry head, his teeth gn
awing through my insides.

  The pain combined with pleasure, and I came again and again.

  In my sleep, I thrashed and moaned, and gushed all over the bed sheets.

  I woke, thinking it was so very hot, and got up, trying to cool the room with the air conditioning, closing the portal.

  Collapsing onto the soaked bed, I fell immediately back into a deep slumber.

  My hands found my clit and ass, and I masturbated, still asleep, until I could no longer come.


  The next morning, I smelled of my own musk, soaked head to toe, stewing in my own juices.

  Not once could I remember having dreamt of Bone, or Karl.

  I smiled, and took a hot shower.

  When I came back out, Tanya had already changed the bedclothes, and Julie was waiting for me.

  “You stood me up last night,” she fake-pouted.

  “I’m sorry, I just…’ but she silenced my protests with a hot kiss.

  Her warm lips covered mine, and my towel dropped to the floor.

  My nipples hardened of their own accord, and my aching pussy began to throb even more.

  My clit went rigid, and the sensation of Julie’s hot breath in my mouth made me light-headed.

  I trembled under her expert fingers, once more.

  This time, I was ready.

  Julie lowered me onto the bed, having already set out fresh towels over the satin sheets.

  I lay back, hugging and kissing her passionately.

  She put one small, champagne-glass sized tit to my lips, and I suckled and nuzzled her like a starving baby.

  I licked and lapped at her rosy nipple, the hard flesh nub tickling my gums, and gently bit her.

  “Naughty, Rachel! You like to give a bit of pain?” she said, after a gasp.

  Then, she put her mouth on my left nipple, grasping it between tight lips, and pulled.

  It felt delicious, as she stretched the taut flesh tighter and tighter until I was gasping with pleasure.

  I was on the verge of orgasm, and she kneaded my right breast, rubbing her pussy against mine.

  I came, shouting her name and she kissed my mouth closed.

  “Shhh! Darling! We mustn’t wake the rest of the crew! They might want to join in, right? And, you, my poor dear, aren’t ready for that kind of scene, just yet!” she said mischievously.


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