Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance Read online

Page 38

  “I’m in trouble.” Sash levels her eyes at his. “I wouldn’t have come at all if I wasn’t desperate. You know I wouldn’t. The last thing I want to do is open up the past.”

  Dante regards her, aware he’ll need to select his words carefully.

  “I’m done with that”, she continues. “Done, completely. As far as I’m concerned it’s over.”

  “How can I help?”

  Dante reaches forwards to pour them both a glass of water from the jug that sits permanently on the hand crafted cherry wood coffee table. Sat forwards like this, their knees are almost touching. Sash shifts in her seat, suddenly feeling vulnerable.

  “I need money.” She gathers up her glass and pausing to drink. “My rent. I’ve got no food. Then there’s University. I’ve got bills, Dante. The fucking door won’t open properly.”

  Dante sits back again. He sips his water and contemplates his stepsister, his mind turning over.

  “Can you help me?”

  “How much do you need?”

  “A lot. I don’t know how much, but a lot. I’m looking for work, but no one wants to hire me. This city fucking sucks.”

  Dante places his glass back on the coffee table, trying to match it as perfectly as possible to the semi-circular water mark that indicates where he lifted it from. Once satisfied, he turns it a quarter turn to the right and leans back into the sofa again.

  “What kind of work?”

  His hands come together to rest under his chin.

  “Anything. It doesn’t matter, they won’t hire me anyway. I’m too young or too eager or too shy, or who knows? Just not what they’re looking for. There are a million excuses and I feel like I’ve been given every single one of them. I’m sick of looking.

  “I’m going to get kicked out of my apartment, Dante. If I don’t find a way to pay my landlord he’s going to get the police to evict me. I haven’t got anywhere else to go. I kept turning it over and over in my mind and even this morning I wasn’t going to come. Is there anything that you can do? I know we haven’t seen each other for a long time, and I know-.”

  She pauses, the reality of what she is about to say almost too difficult for her to continue with it.

  “-We both know what happened, but that’s in the past now. I’m over it. I need you, Dante. I need your help.”

  A long moment passes while Dante lets the reality of the situation sink in. Her phone call in the first place was a pleasant surprise, her desperation now, unexpected.

  She’s come back to him finally and she needs his help. Not only that, she needs him too.

  “I may have something that I can offer you”, he says finally, his furtive mind already rich with possibilities. “Something that might suit us both perfectly.”

  Chapter 3

  It takes her a while to find it. A door hidden in shadow, at the bottom of a wide but shallow staircase, in an almost-too-narrow alleyway between two forgotten hotels.

  Outside, perched on a plastic chair chained to an iron railing, a well dressed guard with a lazy eye smokes the stub of what was once a large cigar, smoke climbing in thick pulses from his lips, either disappearing against the brick work of the hotel opposite, or escaping plainly into the night.

  Broken by his foot, a puddle attempts to reflect the neon lights from the small sign above, so most of the word ‘Wonder’ runs across it in bright, backwards green lettering, trapped and wobbling as though caught in a dream.

  While she waits for the door to open, he eyes her greedily from the shadow cast by the peak of his hat, careful not to be spotted. Sash hugs herself against the cold, pulling her winter coat tight around her fragile frame, her lips curled into a thin, ironic smile.

  Inside, deep shades of burgundy red throb out across the fixtures and fittings. On stage, a young woman sings against a light piano backdrop, the hem of her skirt sweeping the floor as she sashays around it. A bright eyed girl with pigtails takes her coat, and Isabella, who will be responsible for managing her, takes her arm. Her smile is comforting, her touch familiar, her eyelids awash with glitter.

  “So you’re Dante’s little sister.” She holds Sash out at arms length as though to check the girl herself more closely. “He always told us you were beautiful.”

  The girl with the pigtails nods “beautiful”, and a chipped front tooth digs into her lower lip when she closes her mouth.

  Sash touches her hair self-consciously. “Thanks.” Beautiful is far from what she feels.

  Isabella disappears through a plush red curtain to the left of the reception desk, into the nervous system of ‘Wonderland’, one of several members only clubs that Dante owns, motioning for Sash to come with her.

  Here, a collection of internal pipes cling to the white walls like veins and arteries, humming and clicking with vibrant life as they pass. As she walks, deeper into the beast that she is here to offer herself to, Sash can hear the audience clap and cheer, as though delighted by her progress.

  They pass through the inner workings of the club, past dressing rooms and technical hubs, security and system maintenance. Isabella moves rapidly, gliding along as if connected to the floor by wheels, and more than once, something that is nothing more than a shadow in the darkness catches her eye and smiles, as though the building itself were greeting her, complicit in her role.

  “Have you ever done anything like this before?” Isabella asks as they arrive at their destination, her slender fingers smoothing the ringlets of Sash’s hair. She asks the question in a way that makes Sash wonder if she already knows the answer to it.


  Sash shakes her head and smiles nervously.

  The booth is smaller than she expects. There is a pole, a chair and very little else. It is one of several in a corridor that look out on private rooms through floor to ceiling mirrors, one side of which allows the client to see the dancer, but not the other way round.

  This wasn’t exactly what she was hoping would be the solution to her problems, but she has been left with little other choice.

  ‘An opening in entertainment’, was the way that Dante had sarcastically described it, knowing full well his stepsister knew exactly what she was being offered, and that she wouldn’t be able to refuse.


  She was on the verge of saying no too, turning around and heading back out of his life as quickly as she came back into it, but what else could she do?

  She hated the fact she had to go to him, but there was nowhere else she could turn. She needed the money and this was the only thing she could do to get it. This was the only thing he was offering her. At least it was only dancing. At least there was a Goddamn piece of glass protecting her from the groping hands of the perverts that paid to watch her.

  “Each dance lasts for as long as the customer pays for. If someone wants to book you for the night, they can do. I guess Dante would have told you that though.”

  “He didn’t say much.”

  Sash looks around the booth as though trying to divine what kind of thing might await her. What kind of person. She holds onto the pole and leans out from it, pressing her nose close up to the mirror to try and see through it.

  Isabella admires her curiosity.

  “I can take you to the other side. You know, just to show you what it’s like. You won’t be able to see the clients of course.”

  “Ok”, Sash says. “I’d like that.”

  “You rent the space for the night, so we charge you for that. Anything you make on top of that is yours to keep. You work for as long and as often as you like, as long as the booths aren’t booked out. The more customers you have, the more money you take home, it’s as simple as that. We’ve got almost twenty girls on our books, all making good money.”

  Isabella takes her back out into the corridor, to an apex and off to the left. Above, black paint makes the height of the ceiling impossible to determine. Sash reaches up anyway, keen to touch the nothingness. They pass through another red curtain, a large set of dou
ble doors protected on the other side by a guard whose ass Isabella pinches, and into a carpeted corridor. Isabella counts the doors carefully. When she reaches what she believes to be the right one, she pauses, her hand on the dented metal door knob.

  “This is a dance club, not a brothel. That is the first and most important thing to learn. If a client offers you money for sex, or any other service outside of the ones we offer here, and you accept, you will be asked to leave. This isn’t a place for pimping yourself, honey, there is good money on offer here and no need to do anything else for it, do you understand?”

  Sash nods.

  “If you want to pimp yourself, there are plenty of places in the city where you can do just that.”

  “Dancing is enough, believe me.”

  Isabella opens the door.

  Inside, the room is a little larger than the booth on the other side, so the window is framed at the edges by a small part of the wall and looks just like an enormous TV screen.

  There is a green leather chair with a chesterfield back, a drinks cabinet to the side, a table with a banker’s lamp, and a mahogany trim bookshelf. On the wall, a Salvador Dali print hangs, of a woman looking out of a window to the distant sea beyond. The decor is modern, but a little outdated. The red carpet looks worn at the foot of the chair and the books don’t look like they are real. Much of the room is cast in shadow, and what little light there is, seems to filter in through the booth next door.

  “So this is it, how the other half live. Just to give you an idea.”

  Sash walks around the room as though inspecting it for imperfections. She fingers the wallpaper and runs her hand along the line of books, before perching on the softened edge of the leather chair, picturing herself on the other side of the glass.

  “Do they-?” Sash asks innocently, dancing her fingers along the arm of the chair. “-You know?”

  Isabella tilts her head, like a dog that’s just heard a noise too high pitched for a human ear.

  “Dante said he wanted to start you off slowly.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Isabella extends her arm and Sash takes it, pulling herself out of the chair. Still holding hands, the two girls head back out into the corridor and retrace their steps back to the booth. Another dancer passes them on the way, her tight ass shimmying in the soft fabric of her panties. From the look of weary resignation on her face, Sash can’t work out whether she’s just finished a dance or about to begin one.

  “It means that tonight you only dance once. If the customer likes you, you get to come back.”

  “And if he doesn’t?”

  “He will.”

  Isabella smiles confidently.

  They are back at the booth. Isabella holds the door open for Sash to enter. “Don’t look so worried. You know how to dance, don’t you?”


  “And you know how to take your clothes off?”

  “Yes”, Sash says again, this time with a nervous smile.

  “Then you’ll be fine. Look-“, she lifts Sash’s chin with her index finger, “-you’re a beautiful girl, the customers are going to love you. If you do what they ask, you’ll be making millions in no time.”

  “Do what they ask?” There is worry in Sash’s voice. “I thought this was just dancing.”

  “This is a bespoke service, and part of that service is dancing. The rest is what you do after you’ve undressed yourself. I thought you knew that, honey. I thought that’s why you were here.”

  Isabella holds onto the pole, one leg wrapped around the other. She is elegant and beautifully poised, the lines of her dress framing her perfectly.

  “The client knows what is an acceptable thing to ask for, and an acceptable thing to expect, so there really is nothing to worry about.”

  “I have to make myself come?”

  The words are so hot on Sash’s lips, she can’t help but say them. Her innocence makes Isabella giggle a little.

  “Just do what they ask.”

  Isabella pauses to place her hands on Sash’s shoulders. “Most of the time they just like to be able to control you. You know, put you into different positions like a little doll. Remember, you won’t be able to see them. As far as you’re concerned, you’re just at home in front of the mirror.”

  “Dante never said-.”

  “Well that doesn’t surprise me. If you want to change your mind, you can always back out now. Of course, if you do that, you won’t get the five hundred dollars the client is offering to pay for your service. That’s a hell of a lot of money to do something fun.”

  “Who is he?”

  “Someone very important.”,In the soft light from above, her glitter shines. “Someone Dante trusts you with.”

  Chapter 4

  Dante takes the short journey across the city in his private, chauffeur driven Maybach Exelero. Wonderland was the first club he opened, and although it could do with a complete refurbishment, holds very special importance for him. He has a regular, repeat client base, and some of the best dancers in the city. Membership is not cheap and it’s also completely exclusive. This club has a one in, one out policy, in which new membership only opens up if someone dies or leaves, and that doesn’t happen often. It’s a perfect place for his stepsister to begin her training, training in which Dante intends to take a very hands on role indeed.

  He watches the city swim by through the plate glass, bullet-proof window, the horizon crisping sunset colors of red and yellow ochres, bleeding them into the bruised darkness of the approaching night, wondering how it was he was given this second opportunity. On the street outside a corner convenience store, a dog tied to a lamppost barks at nothing, a little further on, a girl struggles up a hill on her bike and a bird swoops to collect the discarded remains of a sandwich left hours earlier on the stairs at the entrance to the town hall.

  While Sash closes the door on her new world, and moves carefully from pole to chair and back again, her semi-naked body twisted into elegant poses, never once forgotten from her years in dance class, Isabella greets him. She kisses him lightly on each cheek, takes his coat and smooths the suit out across his shoulders.

  “She’s quite something.”

  “I told you, didn’t I? How is she?”

  “She’s about as nervous as I was when I first started.”

  “Well then she’ll do just fine, won’t she?”

  “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, thank you. I have everything that I need. Just make sure everyone else is catered for.”

  “I always do.”

  “That’s why you’re here.”

  “She’s in number eight. I thought that might suit her.”

  “I think it’ll suit her just fine.”

  She’s sat when he enters, waiting patiently, the door opening so silently she is unaware of it.

  Dante closes in on the glass. He stands there casually with his hands in his pockets, taking a moment to admire his stepsister, before he intends to make his presence known. It’s been a long time since he’s been able to do this, since he’s been able to look at her without her knowing she’s being looked at, and he wants to take advantage of it for as long as he can.

  On the raised stage, in hot pants and a tight white vest top that hugs the contours of her body, his stepsister looks like she’s being exhibited. To him, she looks like the visual representation of a long held fantasy, better even then he remembers her. She uncrosses her legs and sits forward slightly, as though suddenly realizing she may no longer be alone.

  “Is there anyone there? Hello?”

  She gets up and goes to the mirror, trying as best as she can to look through the glass again, still unable to see anything on the other side. Dante goes to the leather seat. He stretches his legs and makes himself comfortable. He watches his sister peer out through the glass, one hand above her, the other rested on her hip. On the table is a microphone, which he taps twice. Inside the booth, Sash jumps in fright.

o,” Sash says again, looking up to the speakers. “Are you there?”

  “Dance for me”, Dante says, the sound system designed to distort his voice.

  “Ok”, Sash says, nerves creaking through her.

  “Dance for me”, the distorted voice says again. “Don’t be shy.”

  Music begins to crackle through the speakers.

  Sash has no idea where it comes from, but soon it begins to wash over her, the slow hypnotic beats almost impossible not to move to. She begins to swing her hips, tap her toes to the rhythm, close her eyes and lose herself in it.

  The only thing she ever wanted to do when she was a kid was dance. She couldn’t stop it, like she had a natural rhythm that ran through her and an even more natural urge to move with it. She couldn’t stop it even if she wanted to. She danced all the way through high school and college, in any and every discipline she could get her hands on, and when she graduated, she did a pole and lap dancing class one evening for fun, sticking with it for almost a year because she loved the exercise and discipline.

  One drunken evening in her bedroom, desperate to show Dante just a tease of what she had learned in her classes, was where this all started. Her a dumb, inexperienced eighteen year old virgin, eager to impress and hopelessly in love, and him twenty, already on the way to earning a fortune, and completely out of her league. Now, repeating the moves she was so keen to show him the first time around, she’s not the only one who has the memory come back to her.

  Dante can see she is nervous. He can see she is self-conscious and awkward, much like she was the first time she danced for him. She had a tendency to go red when she was embarrassed, and Dante liked to tease her about it, until she had to hide her face and wait until it had gone back to its normal color. She always complained to him and begged him to leave her alone, but secretly she liked the attention.

  Moving with the beats now, Sash stretches her body, angling her neck from side to side, lifting her T-shirt to expose her belly, twisting and turning, pivoting around the small space to the evocative music, perfectly aware of the size of the area she’s confined to, and manipulating it perfectly.


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