Donkey Doubled: A Twin Stepbrother Menage Romance Read online

Page 34

  “Liar”, Alexis shouted, which gained her a couple of silencing bangs from the gavel and a stern glare from Alicia.

  Alex continued. “We are conducting our own tests within the property, after which I believe we will be able to say with much more accuracy who is truly responsible for his death.”

  “Gracey, do you have anything to say?”

  Gracey looked around at the courtroom, first her lawyer, then Detective Foster, and finally behind her into the darkness of the public gallery, to search out Leighton.

  “I didn’t do it”, Gracey said. “I don’t know who did but I didn’t do it.”

  “This is your first time in any kind of trouble like this, right?”

  Gracey nodded.

  “And how would you describe your relationship with your stepfather?”

  “Just the same as all of us. He was a difficult man. We didn’t get along for a long time, but right before he died. I mean, before he was murdered, I was trying to bridge the gap that had developed between us. I could see he was lonely, like he was shutting himself off. I could tell he was hurting inside. I don’t know, I just wanted to be his friend. He didn’t have any. None of the others-. That’s it really.”

  “Thank you, Gracey.”

  “Detective Foster, do you have anything else to add about this case? Anything about the rest of the family? You had Mr. Tempest arrested I believe, and then subsequently released, can you explain your thinking on that?”

  “Pandora and Isabella, the eldest and second eldest of Philip’s children, Gracey’s two sisters, have signed a statement suggesting they saw Mr. Tempest and Gracey together at the property a week before he died. I also have a conflicting statement from Mr. Tempest’s PA saying that they spent that night together. I didn’t think there was enough evidence at this stage to keep him arrested. I thought it would be better dealt with at Gracey’s trial.”

  “Right, thank you Detective, as clear as always.”

  Alicia took a moment to study the lab report, which had been annotated with red pen in all the important places, and then looked even more closely at Gracey. After a while Gracey had to look away.

  “Do you know what digitalis is, Gracey?” Alicia asked.

  “Yes”, Gracey admitted.

  “Do you understand what first degree murder is?”

  There was a moment before Gracey responded. “It’s defined as an unlawful killing both willing and premeditated.”

  “Murderer”, Alexis shouted again.

  “Remove that woman from my courtroom”, Alicia insisted, this time pointing the gavel instead of banging it.

  “It’s the most serious of crimes”, Alicia said when the guards had dragged Alexis out, kicking and screaming. “You seem intelligent enough to know that.”

  “Yes, your honor.”

  “Is there anything else, or shall I proceed?” Alicia said, her question addressed to Alex. “I presume you know the formality, Mr. Dibbell? New York isn’t all that far away after all.”

  “Please”, Alex said.

  “Gracey Logan, you are being charged with first degree murder, how do you plead?”

  “No”, Gracey said, shaking her head.

  “Louder”, Alicia commanded.

  Alex took a moment to hold Gracey by the wrist, but it wasn’t enough to stop the tears. After all that had happened, now was the moment reality was setting in.

  “I need to know what you are pleading?”

  “If I may?” Alex said.

  Alicia nodded.

  “My defendant would like to enter a plea of not guilty”, he said.

  “Detective Foster”, Alicia said, turning her eagle like head towards him. “Is there any reason why you believe that bail should not be offered in this specific case?”

  Detective Foster cleared his throat. He took a moment to look at Gracey, caught eyes with Leighton and discovered an empty space where Alexis had been sat.

  “My only concern would be a repetition of the crime”, Foster declared. “The rest of the family have come to me over concerns for their well being. As you can imagine, this has had a huge effect on Gracey’s sisters and her mother. That and her relationship with Leighton Tempest.”

  “Go on”, Alicia said.

  “It is of my opinion that with bail set at any amount, it won’t ever be high enough to be out of reach for Leighton.”

  “What is your point, Detective Foster?”

  “That it makes the issuing of it redundant if he can cover the amount so easily.”

  “Objection”, Alex called.

  “Overruled, Mr. Dibbell, Detective Foster has a point. Because that happens so infrequently, we should listen to him, don’t you think?”

  “Your honor”, Alex complained. Gracey looked at him nervously, while Leighton leaned forward in his seat, impotent and concerned. Esmeralda took the opportunity to squeeze his knee. This might be going the way she wanted after all.

  “Well that’s it, really”, Foster said.

  “Do you believe the Logan family to be in danger?” Judge Cornwell asked.

  “I don’t believe it is out of the realm of possibilities, no.”

  “Do you believe that Gracey will skip her trial?”

  “I don’t believe it is out of the realm of possibilities either”, Detective Foster added. “Especially if she has unlimited resources at her fingertips.”

  Alicia sighed. “This is a first degree murder case”, she said. “Poisoning of a family member. An unlawful killing both willing and premeditated. Bail is not usually set in these cases. Gracey, how old are you?”

  “Twenty one”, Gracey said, tears staining her cheeks.

  “Twenty one”, Alicia repeated. “Detective, it is your responsibility to protect the Logan family, it is mine to determine whether Gracey is likely to return to the courts for her trial. In this case, I believe she has every intention of doing so. For that reason, and the reasons you have been kind enough to inform me of, I’m suggesting that if the Logan family truly feel that their lives are in danger, that they must seek adequate protection. Gracey has never been in trouble before, and as far as I can tell, she is an intelligent, mild mannered, hard working member of her community. Despite that, she is here on charges of first degree murder, and there is strong evidence to suggest she may be responsible. This case will go to trial and a verdict will be reached. In the meantime, I don’t believe she should be lost in the prison system while she waits. I’m setting bail at ten million dollars-”.

  “Yes”, Leighton shouted, an outburst that earned him a daggered stare from Alicia.

  Gracey put her hands to her mouth and dropped to her knees in shock.

  “-with house arrest until trial.”

  “House arrest?” Alex Dibbell complained.

  “Yes, Mr. Dibbell. House arrest until trial. I expect you understand what that means? Or would you prefer me to rescind that?”

  “No, thank you, your honor. I think that’s a very fair judgment.”

  “Very well then”, Alicia said. “As soon as bail is paid, Gracey can go back home. I trust with his wealth of experience, Detective Foster can organize the requirements of the house arrest.”

  “Yes, of course, thank you your honor.” Foster said.

  Gracey didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. House arrest, sounded like something from a film. She had no idea what it would mean in practice.

  Alicia banged her gavel on the wooden slate. “All rise”, she said.

  Esmeralda’s hand fell off Leighton’s leg as he quickly stood up. House arrest sounded like the worst outcome in the world to her. That was like a sex slave Leighton would have whenever he wanted. Leighton wasn’t thinking that far ahead though, all he wanted to do was get to Gracey, take her home and get her into bed.

  “Court dismissed”, Alicia said firmly, and banged her gavel down firmly for the last time that morning.

  Chapter 31

  Gracey rubbed her ankle where the electronic tag bit into it. It was bu
lky, heavy and very ugly.

  “I think they’ve done it up too tight”, she complained. “It feels like it’s putting pressure on the bone.”

  “They have to make sure that you don’t run away.” Leighton reasoned. “You’ll get used to it I guess.”

  “Thank you”, Gracey said, her arms going around his neck. “I didn’t say it before, but thank you.”

  “You haven’t had much of a chance until now.”

  Leighton pulled her into him to press his lips against her neck. “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t run in this thing.”

  She pushed herself away from him, and then took him by the hand. “The house is so empty.”

  They began to climb the stairs.

  “I’m going to stay, you know. If it’s alright with you.”

  Gracey turned to walk backwards in front of him, her hand going casually to the buttons of her shirt. “What about your business?” she said, the top button pinging open.

  Leighton was impressed by her game. Every time he tried to get closer, she held her arm out to indicate the gap she wanted him to keep to. He wasn’t the only one who’d waited, but Gracey was the one who wanted to make sure she was in control. She continued unbuttoning her shirt, teasing him with her flesh.

  “Someone else will look after it.”

  Gracey stopped, which made Leighton stop too. She reached out and took hold of his tie, distracting herself with the pattern. Leighton could see the bra that she was wearing, barely covering her tits. Her milky skin looked as smooth as silk.

  “Who is the good looking PA?” Gracey said.

  Leighton moved towards her, but she lifted her finger to indicate for him to stop.

  “Esmeralda”, Leighton said casually, as though offering some kind of apology.

  “Hmmm”, Gracey said. Earlier today she was facing a long wait in prison. She wasn’t completely free, but house arrest was so much better than a two meter by three meter cell. The reclamation of at least part of her freedom filled her with a confidence she hadn’t encountered before.

  “She isn’t you.” Leighton offered, trying to reach for her again.

  Gracey twisted around, and while still holding Leighton’s tie over her shoulder, pulled him towards her. Leighton took the opportunity to lunge forwards and wrap his arms around Gracey, pulling her tightly towards him. Gracey ground her ass up against Leighton’s crotch and then fought away again.

  “That’s right”, Gracey said. “I’m not that easy.”

  She leaned against the door frame at the entrance to her room, the ankle with the tag on it placed delicately against her other leg, her arm stretched up towards the ceiling so her shirt fell open to reveal the delicate skin at the edge of her torso. Leighton pulled his tie off and then began unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Are you going to let me come this time?”

  Gracey’s eyes went wide, but she couldn’t help but smile either. “You want to be careful”, she said.

  “Why’s that?” Leighton asked, his shirt now fully unbuttoned.

  “I’m a dangerous woman.”

  Gracey began to unwrap her skirt.

  “How’s that?” Leighton asked, dropping his shirt to the ground and casually slipping out of his brogues.

  “Oh, you know, some people think I murdered my stepfather.” Gracey let her skirt drop to the ground and then casually stepped out of it. She looked even better than Leighton had remembered. His hands went to the fastening on his pants, his cock swelling and screaming to be let out.

  “That can’t possibly be true”, Leighton said.

  Gracey took her shirt off, spinning as she did so. When she was down to her panties and bra, she smiled and disappeared into her room, leaving Leighton out on the balcony, the door closed behind her. Leighton shook his head and smiled. This was exactly the kind of thing that he liked. It was like casually waving a red rag in front of a bull with no idea of the consequences. He took the ten paces to the door, raised his hand ready to knock, decided against it and pushed his way inside. Gracey was lying down diagonally on the bed, facing away from him, her head propped up in her hands, her legs crossed and flapping like the tail of a giant, tropical fish. Leighton leaned against the door frame casually, folded his arms across his chest, cocked his head to the side and took a good look at her naked body.

  “You going to stand there all day?” Gracey said after a while. “Dangerous girls need dangerous men you know.”

  Leighton let his pants fall to the ground and stepped out of them in one casual stride that took him to the edge of the bed. He grabbed Gracey by the legs and flipped her over like a piece of chicken in a pan. She hadn’t expected it and initially wasn’t quite sure how to react until she saw his throbbing cock, and just how desperate he was to have her.

  “Esmeralda thinks I’m going to keep you here like a sex slave”, Leighton said, dragging Gracey towards him. Gracey wasn’t ready for the game to be over quite yet, however. She kicked out and struggled away, making Leighton climb onto the bed and pull her back towards him. This carried on three or four more times until Leighton had to lie down alongside her and pull her into him to stop her getting away. Gracey lifted her head and let him kiss and caress her neck.

  “Are you going to lock me up?” she asked.

  “If I have to”, Leighton said, smoothing the skin across her belly and moving his hands towards her breasts. Gracey could feel him in behind her, and pushed her ass towards him like a cat in heat.

  “In a tower?” Gracey panted, Leighton’s rough fingers teasing her nipples erect.

  “Here”, Leighton said, his knees going up into the backs of hers, opening her up to him.

  “I can’t leave”, Gracey said, the reality of her situation slowly dawning on her.

  Leighton throbbed against her opening. He linked his hands with hers and slid them across the bed sheets, spreading her whole body wide.

  “You won’t have to”, Leighton moaned, kissing the words in patterns across her back.

  Gracey reached behind herself to take hold of his enormous cock. She lifted one leg and straightened another, until she found herself in the right position to guide him inside her.

  “I thought I’d never see you again”, she moaned, her pussy more sensitive that she realized.

  Leighton tried to push her hand away and take control, but Gracey wouldn’t allow it. “Let me”, she said, and began rubbing his tip against her clitoris, every so often putting it at the entrance to her pussy hole and allowing Leighton to dip inside her. If he went too far, she’d grasp his cock tightly, and he’d know to pull out again, or she’d just lift her hips and pull herself away from him. No one else had made him feel this way. No one else had teased him so much he felt like he was losing control. Like he was going to come before he’d done anywhere near enough to warrant it. Leighton could have easily taken control if he had wanted to, but something about this situation made that the last thing he wanted to do.

  “You’ll see”, Leighton said.

  Gracey let him push a little bit further inside her. “I’ll see what?” she said, moans tearing the sentence into syllables.

  “Justice”, Leighton said, slipping almost completely inside her.

  Gracey twisted into him, moaning, her ass pushing against his pubic bone. “How could they do it?” she said.

  Leighton took hold of her throat, squeezing gently just to see how fragile it was. He wanted to push hard inside her, but he wanted to wait for Gracey to give him the go ahead even more. Leighton lifted his fingers to her mouth and she sucked them and bit them hard, finally opening herself up to him fully. Looking down, Leighton could see his girth widening her pussy magnificently.

  “Fuck”, Gracey screamed, the words shrill against the pillow. She pulled away quickly, fearful of enjoying it too much. “I love your cock”, she said, unable to help herself.

  “Your pussy feels incredible”, Leighton said. “I can feel every single muscle squeezing down on my cock. You make me want to co
me so quickly.”

  “Is that why you like me?” Gracey said, taking his hand in hers and pressing it against her chest, encouraging him to fondle her.

  “Because you make me want to come?” Leighton asked.

  “Mmmhmmm”, Gracey said, losing herself in the pleasure of it.

  “Are you going to let me this time?”

  Leighton was fucking her deeply now. Slowly, but fully in control. Gracey moved his hand from her tits down to her clitoris, opening up her legs so they could rub it together.

  “That depends”, Gracey said, her voice peaking.

  “That depends on what?”, Leighton asked. Her pussy was so wet, and her clit so sensitive, he had to keep repositioning his fingers not to overstimulate her. At the end of every thrust he gave, she pushed back slightly, her pussy muscles gripping his shaft, and it was making his cock tingle like he’d never experienced before. If he wasn’t careful, he was going to shoot his load, whether she liked it or not.

  “How well you behave”, Gracey said.

  “I can promise”, Leighton began. “I’m an absolute gentleman.”

  Leighton could feel her body shaking even before Gracey realized it. He could hear the peaking in her breath and feel how quickly the blood was rushing around her body. She pressed herself up against him and pulled her knees towards her chest, snapping his hand closed against her pussy and nearly pulling her way off him completely. Not again, Leighton thought, and made sure that where she moved, he went with her. She shut her eyes, but it seem to come at her even more strongly like that, so she opened them again and pressed her face into the pillow. With Leighton on top of her now, his weight crushing her even further into the bed, the waves seemed to intensify until she could do nothing but stop fighting against it and let it consume her completely. There were a couple of times when she tried to speak, but nothing but moans came out of her. It was an incredible sensation that seemed to take over her whole body in a way that made her feel like she’d flicked a switch she wouldn’t ever be able to put back in its original position. Not that she cared. Multiple orgasms as good as this she was definitely prepared to incorporate into her life. She had to touch herself at one point to make sure it was real. It took her almost five to open her legs again and let Leighton continue to fuck her. He clit was fizzing, and every time he moved himself into or out of her, she thought she was going to explode in orgasmic intensity again.


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