Boned2 (Mandarin Connection Book 5) Read online

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  That was where my nightmare began.

  For almost two weeks, we’d been blessed with fair weather, and the “Miss T” was performing just beautifully.

  The crew of four and Karl handled the technical details, but occasionally Bone and I were asked to lend a hand.

  The voyage was luxurious, as befits the travel on a bespoke yacht.

  Karl’s crew were three women and one man.

  Tanya, Julie and Olga were experts at transoceanic voyages, in spite of their relatively young ages.

  All had grown up on or around the water.

  Dean was the First Mate, and almost had managed to get his own captain’s license.

  It was just a matter of sitting for the required tests.

  But, Dean had confided in me one afternoon that he’d rather enjoyed his role on “Miss T,” and that he’d procrastinated on achieving his final credentials on purpose.

  Bone and I sunned or swam in the small deck pool, or just went below decks and made endless love.

  It was the happiest I had been since news of the plane that crashed with Om and Moms on board.

  I felt a bit guilty about it, but I also knew Moms would have wanted me to be happy.

  She might have frowned a bit at my soul mate being Bone, but maybe she wouldn’t.

  Stranger things had happened, after all.

  Who knew she was married to a secret agent, right?

  She must have had some inkling of Om’s odd career.

  I wondered how she had dealt with it, and him.

  I wondered about Om’s previous wives, and how they’d managed to deal with it.

  I supposed they must have all had to get used to it.

  The calls from strangers.

  The sudden departures, not knowing when they’d see him again.

  Or if…

  Not too much different from what Megan had with Derek, I guess.

  Military wives, military lives, and all that.

  Back then, before the storm, I didn’t think I could stand such uncertainty.

  I was wrong about that.


  And then, one day, we were in the middle of the worst storm to hit New Zealand in a century.


  It was almost a fucking cyclone!

  That damned storm, that damned stupid girl, Julie, and that damned stupid man I loved, who just HAD to jump in after her!

  Sure, Bone saved HER!

  But, then, just as he was getting back on board, there was a rampaging wave, a flash of lightning, silhouetting his awesome body, and he was gone!

  Karl was about to jump after him, but Julie seemed to have broken her leg.

  He had to get her under cover, off the deck of the “Miss T” and into a splint.

  And, he had to do it in a raging sea, while making sure the rest of us didn’t end up in Davy Jones’ locker.

  I’ve got to hand it to him.

  We could all have been killed, had Karl and the others not done everything perfectly.

  It was almost superhuman, in retrospect.

  Karl made all the right decisions, including locking me in the galley.

  I was insane, sad and mindless with fear.

  I demanded he turn us around, to go back and get Bone.

  But, that was impossible.

  There wasn’t any way we’d be able to do so.

  The ocean was too angry; the storm too vicious.

  Karl sailed us to safety.

  Karl and the rest fought the elements and the sea, and we all made it.

  Karl did the right thing, but Bone was gone.

  I still couldn’t believe it!

  Bone was gone!


  As soon as we were safely out of the storm, Karl had called the Auckland Coast Guard, and radioed the others, letting them know that Bone had fallen overboard.

  The coordinates had been provided, but I knew it was hopeless.

  No one could have survived the storm, those monstrous waves, the lethal force of unleashed nature in all Her fury.

  We came into the harbor, the entire remaining crew sad and totally wrung out by the events of the past three days.

  Julie was carted off to the hospital, and her leg was set and cast.

  Karl and I went to a hotel Stephan had managed to reserve, and Brett sent a few Black Dog operatives to sweep and secure it for us.

  We had security and privacy, but Karl just walked into his room and shut the door.

  He didn’t come out for a whole day, but I was too busy dealing with my own shit to care much.

  I’d thank him for saving my life later, but the pain of losing Bone was too raw.

  My heart broke right into pieces, and I was inconsolable for a few days.

  The most maddening part for me had been how the authorities dealt with the whole thing.

  When we’d first arrived in New Zealand, the Coast Guard began sending me the mandatory emails with all the assurances.

  They weren’t going to give up hope.

  There were fifteen ships, two helicopters, and all manner of high-tech solutions to this problem.

  They just needed a bit of luck, and some time.

  Bone was wearing an EPIRB when he went overboard.

  They’d had some luck in locating a signal, but it was weak.

  The data made no sense, as if he were hundreds of feet below the surface of the ocean, moving away from them at speed.

  It was impossible.

  No known currents were at that depth that moved that quickly.

  He was wearing his life jacket, and the EPIRB flashed a bright strobe at regular intervals.

  So, they speculated and promised, someone was bound to see him.

  Even satellites had the ability to locate him, if he were still broadcasting.

  Plus, the batteries were fresh, and guaranteed to work for a month!

  Karl came out of his room, looking fit and almost as if nothing had happened.

  I didn’t know how he was managing his own grief.

  Here I was, spending my days in a funk, and my nights reliving the terror of the storm.

  And there he was.

  An Adonis whose brother was dead, lost at sea.

  An invincible sea god.

  Poseidon made flesh, it seemed.

  And, Karl didn’t seem to be hurting a lot.

  Actually, not at all!

  So, I secretly hated him, and his superhuman ability to put it all behind him, and just move on.

  I wanted to ask him a thousand questions, and tried, until he finally got irritated with me.

  “Rachel, you’ve got to let go and just keep on living! It’s what Bone would want!” he shouted.

  Then, he stormed out.

  I noticed that Olga was waiting outside our door, and he gave her a big hug and kiss, as they both got in the elevator.

  They could barely keep their hands off each other, I saw when the doors began to close.

  “Get a room!” I thought.

  She was probably going to blow him right there.

  I frowned inwardly at their sickening tableau.

  Then, a strange thought hit me.

  That probably would have been well worth seeing, I thought to myself.

  And, I thought wickedly, something in which I might not mind participating.

  I could be such a perv, sometimes.


  Three weeks later, and still no sign of Bone.

  Karl and the crew, (including that lucky bitch, Julie!) had retired to his compound.

  It was an idyllic island paradise, with a nice beach, pool and plenty of booze.

  The compound had all the amenities, but they were mostly ignored in favor of an almost primitive existence.

  They were all relishing still being alive, and I am pretty sure Dean and Tanya were banging away lustily most of the time.

  She always had this look in her eyes when he was around.

  The kind of lo
ok that other women recognize as “Mine!”

  But, this idyllic paradise is where I did my daily balancing act as to whether or not today was really the last day of my life.

  Oh, I knew I couldn’t really kill myself.

  I was too chicken.

  And, I knew Bone’s wraith would find me, and punish me.

  Bone, wherever he was, would hate me.

  He’d never let me live it down.

  Whether I ended up in Heaven, Hell, Valhalla, or just worm food, his Spirit would hunt me and haunt me.

  What an asshole!


  All these tan, naked and fit people fucking away began to influence my libido.

  I was in mourning, but natural urges needed to be dealt with, however despondent I was.

  I had managed a respectable one month without masturbating.

  This evening, looking at Karl’s muscled and ripped abs while he played naked volleyball with the others, had unleashed some raw lust.

  And, if I were honest, Olga’s pert breasts and firm ass had also had effects.

  I had caught myself imagining what might lay under her small bush.

  Her tight muscles and bouncing boobs ran across my imagination, whenever I closed my eyes.

  She had a lovely smile, and beautiful blue eyes.

  She wasn’t very tall, either.

  I had spent the afternoon watching them all play, still moping over Bone.

  Once in a while, I entertained a brief fantasy, turning over these illicit and taboo scenes in my mind.

  The sun came across the sky, and I dozed.

  The occasional drink helped numb my pain.

  During one of these dreamy states, I must have managed to really get myself excited, because I woke up hornier than I had been in months!

  I was sopping wet, and had soaked through my bikini bottom!

  I edged over into the pool, both to cool down and to disguise my wanton, slutty lust!

  Bad Rachel!

  Naughty Rachel!

  Rachel needed some ‘me’ time, for sure.

  Now, how to go about it?

  I floated on the side of the pool.

  The others were engaged in small talk, or drinking.

  Pulling my now completely turned-on body out of the cool waters of the pool, I excused myself.

  “Where you going, Rache?” asked Julie.

  She was getting about quite well now, even with crutches.

  It was funny to see how fast she was with them.

  Almost as though she’d never broken her leg at all.

  “Oh, I need to powder my nose, and … uh… take a quick nap before dinner,” I lied.

  Julie’s eyes were bright, and her smile radiant.

  I watched her face, and she licked her lips.

  What was she thinking? I wondered.

  She eyed me, not unlike some men I had known.

  Was she a lesbian?

  I hadn’t any clue as to her sexuality, nor did I really care about it.

  I tried to remember our time at sea, but that brought another wave of feelings about Bone.

  I quashed it as hard as I could.

  “Have fun, doll!” she laughed at me as I wandered away, barely able to keep from rubbing my clit.

  I made it to my room, and locked the door.

  As childish as that seemed, I really didn’t want to be interrupted during play time.

  I found my three toys, and set them out.

  They all had names, of course.

  “Stephan” was a standard vibrator, with some of those knobby beads.

  “He” was reliable, for those times I just wanted to get off and fall asleep.

  No muss, no fuss.

  Just all business.

  Wham, bam, vibrate me, man…

  Steady and reassuring, ready to get the job done.

  Just like Stephan Jaeger.

  “Karl” was the kinky one.

  Well, two.

  “They” were a pair of vibrating bullets.

  One went for clitoral stimulation, and to rub around my pussy lips.

  The other in my butt.

  Oh, stop it.

  You’d do it, too!

  And, that brings us to “Bone.”

  My soul-mate was hung like King Dong, so I had this nice, pink-jelly, double-ended and just really huge dildo that I named in his honor .

  But, now, what am I going to do with Bone, the dildo?

  Maybe, with Bone gone, maybe it’s time to retire that one?

  I sighed.

  Time to play, I thought.

  So, I got busy.


  I know, it seems weird to give inanimate objects names, but I do.

  And I bet you do too, don’t you?



  I started with Karl, since I was so close anyway.

  I had barely doffed my bikini, and reclined on the bedsheets, (which felt marvelous, after all that hot sun!) and began to stroke my thighs, and slowly moved over to my clit.

  Karl vibrated nicely, and within less than a minute, I had managed to reach a satisfying orgasm.

  Only, I was just getting started.

  I shuddered, and trembled as the warmth spread through me, shaking with raw lust.

  I tried to remember my last time with Bone, but that squashed my libido flat in like ten seconds.

  OK, I thought.

  Let’s get downright filthy!

  I thought about Karl, and his tight abs, his suntanned skin, and the way his muscles rippled when he ran, or did sailing things, like tying ropes, or hanging from the sail, or steering the ship.

  He was a chiseled, perfect man, full of life and mirth.

  He wasn’t too different from Bone…oh, shit!

  There, I did it again!


  Well, Karl the vibrator was humming away, and my pussy was throbbing, but I was just not getting any traction with that line of thinking.


  Let’s go a different way.

  I remembered Olga and Tanya running and playing volleyball.

  Nude volleyball.

  Their respective breasts leapt and bounced as they fought to keep the ball off their side of ground, and many a time they brushed up against one another, giggling like loons.

  Once, Olga even slapped Tanya on her ass!

  Tanya gave her a look of shock, then a quick smooch on Olga’s tanned bottom, with a promise to “kick her ass,” later.

  At least, I think she said “kick”.

  That led me down an imaginary path, where the two beauties began to share a banquet of Sapphic love.

  I thought about Tanya spread wide, her pink lips exposed to Olga’s darting, pink tongue.

  It would go in and out, and lick long strokes, first up one set of labia, and then the other.

  I could see the strand of saliva as Olga would raise her head from Tanya’s dripping pussy, and lick her lips with slow pleasure, as Tanya would groan and beg her for more!

  They made a yin-yang symbol as they 69’d in my imagination; Tanya’s dark skin melting with Olga’s pale, white, creamy skin.

  The pink of their tongues and pussies made small splashes of color in the lusty design.

  My imaginary lesbians’ munching session worked wonders, as my clit got rock hard, and Karl hit the right note, and then I was falling down into another climax.

  I grasped my legs around my hands, Karl pressed hard into the top of my pussy and held firmly against my burning clit.

  Several good orgasmic waves flowed through my body, and I yelled out in pleasure. I bucked and thrashed, and then a squirt of my cum drenched my hands down to the wrist as Karl buzzed between my quivering thighs.

  I arched my back, my ass bouncing off the bed as I rode wave after wave of pleasure, crying tears of joy as my senses were filled.

  Then, I fell back, breathing hard, my breasts rising and falling, my nipples feeling as though diamonds topped
their creamy fullness.

  Then, I lay there, just trying to catch my breath.

  I was thinking I might go again, when I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

  My reflection looked grim.

  My makeup had run, from my tears.

  My pale skin was mottled with flecks of mascara, and my hair was in complete disarray.

  But, the thing that made me sit up, and then rush into the bathroom where I hid for the next half hour was Karl’s face staring at me, wide-eyed, from the open window.

  He was amused, but also, I detected something else in his gaze.

  He seemed genuinely embarrassed, but also there was another emotion emanating from his eyes.

  I’d seen that look before.

  It was the way that Bone had looked at me.


  After breakfast with the crew, Karl took me aside to let me know what the score was.

  We were being asked to leave for Singapore, to finish our part of the mission regarding the Mandarin Connection.

  “Rachel, I’d also like to apologize about the other evening,” he said.

  “Don’t even think about it, Karl,” I laughed.

  “Remember that time in Japan? That day that Bone and I had gone shopping,” I said.

  I was a bit wistful, suddenly remembering our time in the dressing room.

  I guess I must have wandered mentally for a bit, because Karl touched my hand gently.

  “What about it?” he asked.

  “Well, I caught you jerking off in the shower that morning!” I confessed.

  He tried to laugh, but sputtered out a few sentences.

  “What? Why would you do that? I mean, yeah, we were just kids, but…” he stammered.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Karl! Everyone does it!” I said.

  “I know, but I like to keep it private!” he protested.

  “Well, to be honest, I thought I had taken sufficient precautions the other day, too!” I exclaimed.

  “You kind of did,” he replied.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Well, I was coming back from the sand, and I was walking up to the villa, and I heard you,” he said.

  “I thought you were in trouble, at first, with all the yelling,” he said, smiling at me.

  “Say what?!” I cried.

  He laughed and then I laughed with him.

  “Seriously, girl, you sounded like you were dying!” he said, holding his sides.

  “Well, excuse me for enjoying myself! I was rubbing one out for the first time since…” I stopped.


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