Boned2 (Mandarin Connection Book 5) Read online

Page 14

  Brett spread his arms wide, and gestured with his hands to make it appear he was waving off any conflict.

  “If you leave now, I will pay for the damages and your dinners.”

  In reality, he was gaining momentum to make a very delicate strike, and his concentration was at its highest.

  He tried to ignore Kady, who was taking all of this in with her hands near to her mouth.

  Scott yelled “You fuckin’ cunt!” at Kady, and then he waved the bottle at Brett.

  He was setting himself up to charge, and Brett tried one last time.

  “Seriously, this is a big mistake,” he said to Scott.

  Brett looked at the man, knowing his generous gestures were futile.

  The man was too angry and had already lost a lot of face.

  An aggravated assault charge was something he was not able to fully conceive, in his state.

  Brett had given the man an out, but Scott was determined to fight.

  He lunged at Brett.

  Brett, sidestepping the drunken brute, kicked down as Scott slashed wildly at him, and barely missed Kady at the same time with his other grasping hand.

  His fingers barely caught a few strands of her hair, and she screamed.

  Brett’s kick hit the man’s leg, behind his knee.

  He fell to the floor, again.

  He tried to get up, but the muscles were sprained.

  He limped over to a seat, and sat down, just as the local police arrived.

  The proprietor made it clear that Brett and Kady had been accosted by the now obviously drunken Scott, who was stupidly trying to explain just why Kady was such a bitch, and Brett the world’s largest asshole.

  The cops cuffed him and took him out to their patrol car.

  He kept up his belligerent attitude until one of the policemen, tired of his nonsense, tased him to the ground.

  The police threw Scott into a squad car and drove away.

  Breathing a bit hard, Brett sat on the sidelines, Kady holding tight to him.

  She had managed to maneuver herself so she was sitting on his lap, insisting to him that the broken chair left nowhere else for her to sit.

  She was hugging tight to his strong neck, his shoulder muscles rippling when he moved to position her more comfortably.

  He had been fine during the fight, but as soon as Kady sat on his lap, he was sporting a truly remarkable erection.

  Kady’s squirming on it was not helping out a bit.

  And, she seemed determined to keep at it until he came in his pants!

  Kady was on fire.

  Brett’s victory had lit the match, and her own passions had begun to mount.

  She looked at him like a lion eying a raw zebra steak.

  Her own eyes smoldered with urgent passion, each moment was an effort to avoid just ripping his clothes off and shoving his giant dick into her hungry mouth.

  Her loins were wet and ached for Brett’s massive cock to invade her.

  She was gasping at each small movement as she pushed against him.

  They were saved by the owner coming up to them, insisting that their meals and drinks were on the house, as were their next three visits.

  He was embarrassed beyond belief, and truly hurt that this unfortunate incident had happened to two of his most beloved customers.

  Brett assured him that it had nothing to do with him, and offered to pay for the damages.

  The owner looked appalled and shocked, and made some gestures to his major domo.

  The next thing they knew, Brett and Kady were escorted into a black limousine, with the darkest tint ever imaginable.

  They sat in the luxurious cabin, surrounded by opulence and every known convenience.

  There were large screen monitors, showing both the exterior of the limo, a real-time GPS map, and a menu for selecting drinks and snacks.

  Brett and Kady, knowing that each of them were beginning to admit their feelings for the other, stared at their reflections in the dark-tinted windows.

  They were not sure what was happening.

  As the vehicle maneuvered through the darkening streets, they worried that they had maybe been kidnapped.

  Their cell phone signals were being blocked.

  They had not been able to call their parents or friends as everything had happened so rapidly after the altercation with Scott.

  Now, they exchanged worried whispers with one another. Brett pushed the intercom button, and the driver asked if they needed anything.

  Brett asked where they were going.

  After a few more minutes of conversing with the driver over the private intercom, they knew that they were being whisked away to a private manse.

  When they arrived, they would discover a world where there were neither limits nor restrictions on personal behavior and responsibility.

  Their very personal adventure had begun!

  Click here to continue reading “Billionaire Stepbrother - Addiction - The Complete Series”.



  Haunted: A Stepbrother Romance

  Brian Cox is an alpha male reality show producer, ladies man, and Kim Wilder’s secret love.

  When Kim was just eight, Brian’s father had married her mother.

  Their parents had a rocky marriage, and it finally culminated in a dramatic event that tore them asunder.

  Brian’s father was a man fighting many inner demons.

  One night, in a drunken rage, he forcefully ejected Brian from their home.

  What happened to them the next day meant that Brian and Kim would be apart for the next twelve years.

  Kim became a successful journalist, with a video blog she started called “The Wilder Thing”.

  One day, she gets an invite to be on the top-rated reality television show, “Haunted”.

  Brian Cox is now the notorious bad boy producer of the show, which has become hugely successful and made him famous.

  Kim can’t wait to see him again, but isn’t sure of her feelings because of how things ended between them.

  Brian’s escapades are plastered across the tabloids - he always has a beautiful glamour gal on his arm whenever he’s caught out on the town.

  Kim hopes that seeing Brian again help her let go of the painful memories of the night they parted.

  Of course, nothing ever goes as planned!

  During a meeting of sponsors for the show, an unexpected event causes both of them to reevaluate their old relationship.

  A romantic turn takes both of them by surprise with its intensity.

  Toss in a hint of mystery and danger, and suddenly the game is afoot!

  Can they discover the hidden secrets behind Indian Wells State Park?

  How will their long-buried feelings for each other affect their professional relationship?

  Kim is determined not to risk her heart on Brian…but she is finding that being close to him is mesmerizing and intoxicating.

  A man used to always getting what he wants, Brian finds that he is becoming infatuated with Kim. What he gets is more than he ever expected!

  HAUNTED is a stepbrother romance novella with no cliffhangers, and a very satisfying happy ending.

  No cliffhangers.

  HEA guaranteed.

  Book 2 of the Mandarin Connection series by Stephanie Brother



  I really can’t believe that after all these years I’m finally going to see my stepbrother again.

  Brian is a really lucky bastard, that’s for sure.

  He’s the head of his own production company; internationally famous; producer of one of the highest rated faux-documentary shows in the world.

  Brian Cox is also enormously handsome, rich and a prick.

  Oh, that’s not just MY opinion.

  He’s legendary about how much a perfectionist he is.

  More than one actor or crew have left in tears, including
some pretty burly men.

  Oh, and Brian is a real hard ass.

  He’s got the way with the ladies, as well.

  That bastard.

  That smug, arrogant, cocky, magnificent bastard.

  I’d love a chance to take him down a peg.

  And to go down on his peg, but that’s just naughty talk.

  After all, he’s my fucking stepbrother. Emphasis on stepbrother, not fucking…unfortunately.

  God! Just listen to me!

  You think I was some lovesick schoolgirl, after the Captain of the football team, for Chrissakes!

  Once, a long time ago, I might have had a chance – but not anymore.

  Not after what happened that night.

  I remember that last fateful day, when he fought his father about the way I was being treated.

  He got a black eye for me from the old bastard.

  Brian fought him because he called me a slut. The old shit pushed me into a door, and knocked the wind out of me.

  Brian, barely eighteen at the time, slugged that creep so hard the breath whooshed out of him.

  But, the old son of a bitch was used to getting into fights.

  He sucker-punched Brian, nearly knocking him out, and then threw him through the front door. Thankfully, it was open.

  Brian got up, took a look at all of us staring at him, and then turned and walked away. I think he might have been crying.

  He left, and I haven’t seen him in twelve long years.

  Mom and I moved out shortly after.

  I have no idea or interest in what happened to my step-dad.

  I hope he’s rotting in a jail cell somewhere.

  Or rotting in Hell.


  Over the years, one tabloid or another would give a glimpse of Brian.

  Some scurrilous piece about whom he just dumped, or what lovely woman had the pleasure of hanging on his muscled arm at the Awards shows.

  I’ve followed most of the women whom Brian has had.

  (And, who hasn’t? They are constantly plastered all over the gossip rags and trades!)

  He’s bedded some of the most famous and beautiful women in the world - and dumped them.

  Later, they’ll always confide in the talk-show hosts or gossip rags that it was they who had caused the breakup.

  Brian was just too good for them, or they had been too hard to handle, or whatever the contrived reason would be.

  But I know the truth.

  Brian is an alpha.

  He just takes what he wants, and gives you as much as you can handle.

  Nothing more, nothing less.

  He’s at least honest about it.

  Not one of his lovers ever has a bad word about him, but you can see the hurt in their eyes.

  Stupid bitches.

  They thought THEY were the one, this time.

  The one who would ‘fix’ him and make him theirs forever.

  Only, Brian doesn’t need fixed.

  He’s perfect.

  To hear him tell it, he’s God’s gift to women, with a bullet.

  And, sad to say, the fucker is apparently right about that, too!

  He’s every woman’s fantasy man.




  And, of course, awesome in bed.

  He really is.


  I know.


  We’ve got a meeting in ten minutes, and here I am, still worrying I’ll look fat, or ugly, or that there’s spinach in my teeth.

  You’d think I was on a date with Adonis, or at least George Clooney, the way I am acting.

  And, how did I get so wet so fast?

  I’d better jump in the ladies and take care of that, fast!

  This is just exactly what I didn’t want to happen today.


  Click here to continue reading “Haunted”.



  Fraud: A Stepbrother Romance

  Are YOU ready for FRAUD?


  Derek White is my soul mate.

  From the moment my father married his mother when we were little kids, I knew he was the one for me.

  I was too shy to tell him how I felt then, and now he’s grown it isn’t any easier.

  Navy SEAL and man of action, he’s about as Alpha as they come.

  Time and circumstance have taken him from me, but my heart wont forget.

  When I moved to Miami to practice law, I never thought that my mission to take on corruption and fraud would bring us back together.

  Then, I lost a case to sinister businessman Robert King.

  Suddenly, I’m forced to make a terrible choice.

  I must sacrifice my dream of being with Derek, in order to save the life of a woman who despises me.

  What am I going to do?


  The girl I’ve always dreamed of being with is in mortal danger.

  My stepsister, Megan, doesn’t know how I feel.

  And now there’s only one way to protect the woman I love, and I’ve got to take it, no matter what the consequences.

  I’ll do anything to rescue her, even if I have to die in the process.

  Can Megan and Derek discover a way to survive the onslaught of King’s evil organization?

  Will their long-buried feelings for each other come to the surface, at last?

  FRAUD is an action-packed, standalone stepbrother romance novella, with plenty of steamy scenes, mystery, danger, intrigue and double crosses!

  With a very satisfying happy ending and no cliffhangers, you’ll be on the edge of your seat, crying one moment, and cheering the next!

  Book 3 of the Mandarin Connection series by Stephanie Brother


  Oh my god, it’s really going to happen!

  Derek is there, standing in front of the door to our bedroom!

  My mind is jumping all over the place.

  My eyes are eating him up.

  He’s perfect!

  His clothes are snug, the t-shirt rippling from all the muscles underneath.

  I can see the tight arcs of his ass, outlined by his blue jeans.

  Every move he makes reminds me of a lion or tiger.

  He’s confident, standing tall and firm, and my thighs are melting from my want.

  I want him, all of him.

  I need to have him in me.

  In my mouth.

  In my pussy.

  My wet, drenched pussy.

  I’m sitting on the edge of the bed, with my best come-hither look.

  Derek seems a bit stunned, so I give him something.

  I begin to strip for him.

  Ever so slowly, I slide out of my jacket.

  First one arm, then the next, taking my time.

  I slowly move the jacket over the to the side of the bed, and drop it on the floor.

  It slithers into a small, beige mound.

  I start on the buttons on my blouse, my fingers twitching.

  I try to maintain eye contact, and I fumble just a bit with the top button.

  It comes loose, and then the next.

  Derek’s eyes lock onto my breasts, which are appearing, and the lacy tan bra.

  A rush of warm feelings flow through me, as he gazes at me.

  I’ve never felt so vulnerable, and yet so trusting of anyone.

  Really, I want to just make my clothes disappear by magic, and his as well, just so we can be together.

  But, I know this will drive him crazy.

  He stands there, cockily, as I remove my blouse, one button at a time.

  My fingers are shaking so badly from my needing him that I can barely perform this simple task.

  At least, it seems that way to me.

  Derek smiles, his gorgeous mouth and perfect teeth making me feel another wave of warmth that courses through my body.

I feel like I am floating in a warm pool of liquid, thick and viscous.

  Another button down, and my blouse is just hanging there, now.

  Derek steps closer, and bends down to me.

  I can see the huge bulge in the crotch of his blue jeans, his cock clearly outlined beside the zipper.

  I reach over, rubbing and caressing its hardness.

  A jolt of electricity shoots up my arm, straight into my brain, as I trace his dick with my index finger.

  I want to yank it free, and shove my mouth over it, sucking in all its immense fleshy goodness.

  But, I tease him some more, tossing my hair, and giving him another look, my eyelids covering my eyes shyly, while I continue to work his shaft through the material.

  I move my other hand to the last button, while I slowly lick my lips.

  They are dry, but then moist as I feel his cock throb.

  My blouse is just hanging there, and Derek eyes my hard nipples.

  They are jutting out, like strawberries.

  My large brown aureoles peek over the edges of the lacy, tan bra.

  Derek’s hand moves down to my head, and then he sits down next to me.

  We look into each other’s’ eyes for a moment, and then he leans his face towards me.

  My mouth opens, and then we are kissing.

  His animal scent is overpowering my brain.

  His raw strength as he pulls me to him, crushing me against his massive, muscled chest make me go limp. I allow myself to just melt with him.

  He tastes clean and fresh, and vaguely of mint.

  I have a moment of weakness…did I brush my teeth today? … I think, crazily.

  Then, all thought is lost as Derek squeezes me, and his hands work their way to my heaving tits.

  His gentle fingers rub first one aching nipple, then the other.

  I moan with pleasure, and it’s lost in the cavern of his delicious mouth.

  I move my ass around on the bed, because I feel like I am so wet I am going to stick to the sheets!

  When I do, he cups my ass with his hands, and pulls me against him.

  I can feel his enormous bulge between my legs as we fall against each other on the satin bedspread.

  My pussy feels like it has a life of its own, trying to reach out and suck his hardness into me.

  We lay on the bed, Derek’s magic hands moving all over my body.

  New sensations jolt through me, my legs suddenly jerking, or my ass clenching.

  Derek is a master!

  Every move he makes sends pleasure straight into my whirling brain.

  I chew on his tongue, and lick his chin slowly, enjoying the feel of his stubble.


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